5 ways to heal your skin with food


Is your skin suffering from that post-Halloween leftover candy sugar rush? Maybe your skin has been unexpectedly breaking out for no reason. This has to do with the direct link between our skin and our gut/digestive system. Ever notice how when you’re having digestive issues you break out around your jaw/chin area? Maybe when you eat sugar/gluten you get tiny pimples on the forehead. Make no mistake, you are what you eat meaning unhealthy eating habits means unhealthy skin.

 However, just like how there are certain foods that wreak havoc on the skin, there are plenty of foods that will help heal your skin woes. Here are some of my favorite foods for healthy skin, and how you can incorporate them into your diet.


Fermented foods

Having a serving of fermented foods everyday does wonders for healing your gut. These include yogurt, kimchi, and sauerkraut. For my vegans look for a non-dairy yogurt that contains probiotics. Kimchi can be added to a veggie stir fry. Personally, I put sauerkraut in almost everything from wraps to sandwiches to salads. Getting your daily serving won’t be hard, trust me.


Nuts + seeds

Specifically, walnuts, brazil nuts, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds… nuts and seeds are such a great way to add crunch to a salad or wrap. I like to also add chia seeds and walnuts into my smoothies and oatmeal and brazil nuts when soaked and pureed with lemon juice and garlic, make an awesome dip.


Garlic + Ginger

If you like to eat you probably already love garlic, and good news its good for you so put it in anything you’re cooking for an immunity kick. Ginger is great in a smoothie, and when combined with garlic, makes an amazing soup broth, or great in a stir fry of any sort.


Green foods

It’s safe to say if it’s natural and green, it’s good for you. Avocados all day, dark leafy greens mixed into your smoothie, as a base to your salad, or cooked up and mixed into… anything really.


Orange foods

Foods like pumpkin, sweet potatoes and carrots have high amounts of beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant known to help slow down the aging process. Luckily for you we are in the season so cook up as much as you can.

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