4 Ways To Fix Your Skin From The Inside, Out


So your skin care regimen is on point with all of your face creams, serums, and oils. You even get monthly facials. So why is your skin still freaking out? Skincare isn’t just topical. As a holistic esthetician I believe there are several ways to heal the skin from the inside, out. Here’s how:


Drink lots of water

Yes obviously, drinking water is important for hydration, and as our body’s largest organ, helps to hydrate your skin as well. Can you never put enough moisturizer on? Maybe it’s time to up your water intake. Also in the morning, try lemon water with a pinch of sea salt. The sodium can help rehydrate you as we get very dehydrated as we sleep. Lukewarm water also absorbs better than cold water.


Avoid Inflammatory Foods

Inflammation (redness, eczema, acne) can be triggered by many things, including what we eat. Eat clean avoiding processed foods, fried foods, sugary foods, refined carbs, dairy, and meat. Alcohol, cigarettes, and coffee also cause inflammation in the body. All the fun stuff, right? Just remember moderation and get to know your “trigger foods”.


Eat Antioxidant Rich Foods

So what should you be eating for healthy skin? Dark, leafy greens, berries, and sweet potatoes, avocados, nuts and seeds are all great options. A good rule of thumb is all brightly colored vegetables are good for you! Also dark chocolate and red wine both are rich in antioxidants. (See? I’m not taking everything fun away here.) Just don’t down the bottle, one glass a night is enough for the benefits.


Fermented and probiotic rich foods

Try to consume at least one of these foods everyday to assist in a healthy gut, which always helps out the skin. Kimchi, sauerkraut, and yogurt (vegan styles also have probiotics now) are all great options, and for drinks, Kombucha or the lesser known, Rejuvelac.


Supplements, baby!

Here are some vitamins you can’t easily get with food which is why taking a few daily supplements are useful. Some I recommend are:

  • B Vitamins (taking a multi-B supports healthy skin, lowers stress and boosts immune function).

  • Adaptogens (These help lower stress that can cause skin problems. Rhodiola and Ashwaghanda are both good options.

  • Omega 3 & 6 Fatty Acids (essential for skin health reducing inflammation and promoting skin cell turnover)

Make no mistake, you are what you eat. Healthy eating matters for beautiful skin and a better feeling you.

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