6 Ways To Keep your resolutions this year


Here we are at the start of another year and can you believe, another decade! For many of us, this is a reflective time but also a time to look ahead at what’s to come. You may like to come up with “New Years Resolutions”, planning all of the things that you want to start doing in the year ahead. Whether your resolution is to have a yoga practice or to just to get rid of old habits, here are 6 useful ways to stick to your resolutions this year.

 Keep a Journal

Journaling can help us connect with ourselves in so many ways. Since it’s the start of the new year, I would suggest to first take a moment of reflection for the past year, heck, the past decade, and write down how fair you have come! You can also reflect on past resolutions and if you didn’t keep them, why? Maybe you had a problem with consistency and falling into old habits. Maybe you had trouble starting in the first place because you didn’t know where or how to start. Write it down, and take it from there.

 Come up with a Game Plan

Now that we know the reasons you didn’t make it last year, let’s learn from these mistakes. Write down exactly how you plan on reaching your goal(s) step-by-step.

 Consistency is Key

They say it takes 30 days to form a habit. If your resolution isn’t a daily practice find your specific days and times to do these things and well, do them!

 Have a Morning Ritual

Consistency is easier to accomplish if you have a few easy things you can start every day with. Personally for me I start my day with these Ayurvedic rituals . Try them yourself or start your own morning ritual!

 Make a doable “To-Do” List

Every morning after my rituals (or sometimes the evening before) I write out a to-do list for the day. I think it’s important not to get too ambitious with this and include the small things, like watering plants or going grocery shopping. It can be gratifying being able to cross these things off. This list may also include your resolution.


I’ve said it over and over, but having a daily meditation practice can really help set the tone for the rest of your day. It doesn’t have to be this daunting “clear your mind for the next 10 minutes or you failed” experience. Just sit tall, close your eyes, breathe, and let the thoughts come and go without judging them or forming opinions around them. If you prefer a guided meditation, Insight Timer App has loads of free meditations at all lengths and themes as well as just a timer.

I hope these simple practices will be the tools to help you stick with your resolutions for the upcoming year!

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